
标题 MIRTEC unveiled innovative inspection systems: ART & TAL 3D SCAN
点击率 11006 制作日 2024.01.11

 In line with globally getting more advanced and precised industrial environment, MIRTEC has developed cutting-edge 3D Inspection Systems - ART and TAL 3D SCAN.

Ⅰ. ART (Patent Pending) 
MIRTEC's ART which stands for Anti Reflection Technology has been specially developed for meeting IPC Class 3 Solder Joint Inspection Standards.

Unlike many of our competitors who use four (4) cameras and one (1) projector or one (1) camera and four (4) projectors, MIRTEC's ART 3D AOI System is the world's first 75MP total of five (5) cameras, four (4) digital Moiré projectors 3D AOI System.

Because of ART's unique optical system, there are different combinations of angles. It means that ART can provide perfect solder joint inspection results free from solder angle and shadow effect. For this reason, we promise that MIRTEC's ART is an exclusive product capable of implementing True 3D AOI Technology.

Ⅱ. TAL-SCAN (Patent Pending)
MIRTEC's TAL-SCAN stands for Tall Component Analysis 3D Laser Scan. TAL-SCAN provides ultra-fast inspection of PCBs during the waiting period on the first conveyor stage. Customers using MIRTEC's TAL-SCAN can inspect 65mm tall components without the Z-axis movement of an optical system.

 We guarantee that these two systems will be game-changers in the Electronics Manufacturing Industry. MIRTEC plans to introduce both systems on the market in the first half of next year.